Monday, January 9, 2012

Allergy Testing

We took Anderson in today to be tested for allergies since I have severe allergies and he has been having some strange reactions as well. We just want to be on the safe side and get some clear answers before exposing him to the world of solid food. I have had this feeling and hunch that something just hasn't been right with Anderson. He has red circles under his eyes (Allergy Shiners) and has had an upset stomach and diarrhea pretty consistently ever since we started him on cow's milk. He also stopped sleeping through the night. He has battled hives in the past and his pediatrician referred us to an allergist.

He was "scratch tested" for wheat, milk, soy, peanuts, cats, and eggs. The test was negative for all allergens.

The test did, however find that he is Lactose intolerant and has an Atopic Immune syndrome which causes him to be "hyperallergic" to certain things. Atopic immune syndrome is mostly characterized by Eczema, hayfever, and Asthma. (Atopic immune syndrome can cause reactions when exposed to lotions, bee stings, etc and can cause skin irritations, seasonal allergies, etc.  Often times a cold can cause wheezing and is more likely to settle in his chest, causing Asthma.)
Atopy also appears to show a strong hereditary component.
We are very encouraged by these results. The Dr. Prescribed us a junior epi pen and has said that sometimes a peanut allergy can developed after 15 months and to be cautious. Given my history he recommends the epi-pen. The Dr. also explained that the scratch test for peanuts is his first exposure (usually no reaction occurs). His second exposure could be the straw that breaks the camel's back and can be life threatening.  We are prepared and I will carry the epi pen with me in his diaper bag.
As for now, we will slowly start to transition him to lactose free milk and start him on solid foods (table foods). We are so grateful that he is such a happy boy and is growing and learning new things everyday!

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