Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Meet Luoyi

Patrick and I decided it would be fun to host a 14 year old boy from Nanjing China.

His first night here we had a party/FHE and he got to meet some of our friends:)

 We also took him to the Farmer's Market.

 We wore him our most days and he would fall alseep anywhere. Every time we got him into the car he would fall asleep. Not many people can keep up with our busy lifestyle:P

 We had FHE at the duck pond. It was so much fun.

 We took him to play Frisbee Golf and to Costco for a Churro and he also tried a sno cone for the first time at the Newsom Party.
 2 weeks went by pretty fast. We had a lot of fun. He is such a good kid.

1 comment:

vaxhacker said...

Sounds like fun! I'm disappointed I didn't get to talk to him, that would have been interesting. I must have just missed you guys at church those weeks or something.

Are you going to host students in the future? That's something my in-laws always did and it sounds like a wonderful opportunity for your family.