Thursday, September 1, 2011

Anderson is 9 months old!

I cannot believe that it took me 9 months to grow him in my belly. Time flies so fast. It feels like just yesterday I was in labor with him and seeing him for the first time. He has grown so fast and is getting so smart. I took this photo as he was standing at our screen door. I love how it turned out and it has become my all time favorite picture of him.

Anderson LOVES to read books.

 This picture is precious. I am so glad that Patrick is a hands on daddy and loves Anderson with all of his heart.
 Our big boy
At 9 Months Anderson...

Makes Kissing Noises
Says Mama and Dada
Meows to the cats
Sign's More, All Done, and Please
Sings with the radio
Says What's That?
Hisses like a snake
Hums himself to sleep
Rubs my arm or PINCHES while cuddling
His Hands, Forearms and feet are very ticklish.
when our nose touches his nose, he giggles
LOVES water and swimming
He wakes up happy

 Our Sleepy Bubby!

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