Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th!!!

We had a fun filled day that started out with a brunch with the Woodland Clan. We were able to snap a few shots of the kiddos in their festive clothes:)
 After Anderson's Nap we headed to Oak Hills for some BBQ and Firework fun! The food was SO YUMMY!!!
 Anderson was having a blast and ate so much food!
 He loved sharing this kiddie table with cousin Halle and Cousin Kyle
 Here is the Cul de sac full of friends!!
 Anderson found a squirt bottle and had a blast squirting his cousins!!!
 Trampoline fun!

 Great Grandpa Thompson enjoyed himself...I think:)
 We walked up to the field and staked a spot near the front. We had snacks and the kiddos loved their glow sticks.
 Once the fireworks started, Anderson put on his ear phones and laid down with Patrick and barely moved the entire show. HE LOVED IT!!!!
 Heath only made it through about 5 minutes of the 45 minute display. The other kiddos had a blast watching though:)
 After the show, We walked back to Heather's house and the circle erupted in fireworks, S'mores, Sparklers and more fun!
 Anderson's first Sparklers
 Heather and Brooke:)
The party ended for us around midnight. We headed home. We had so much fun and cannot wait until next year!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

So much fun!We went to the Oak Hills neighborhood one time years ago. It was so cool!