These next pictures are of Patrick (SUPERDAD) I was pretty much down and out from the delivery and was VERY SORE!!! (nobody ever tells you about what you feel like after birth. I literally felt like I got hit by a semi-truck. I used muscles I didn't even know existed...ha. Plus, Little/Big Man dislocated and fractured my Tailbone on his way out...YOUCH!!! Anyway, Back to Patrick. HE WAS AMAZING!!! He did Everything for Anderson those first couple of days (Except feed him) I could not have done it without him. He was loving and supportive and was there for the baby and I. I LOVE PATRICK MORE NOW THAN I DID BEFORE!!! During labor he was a rockstar and kept me going and helped me continue pushing when I was so tired and ready to quit. He would whisper in my ear and tell me how amazing and beautiful and proud of me he was. he kept me sane and calm and confident and because of him, I was able to labor without fear. toward the end of my three hours of pushing, i was getting a little discouraged. Patrick offered the most amazing and powerful prayer I had ever heard. I dont remember the details now, but it was what drove me to the end and I was so grateful for his strength and confidence in me. Our bond is one that can never be broken. I love that Patrick is so hand's on and he LOVES being a daddy and is so proud of his new son! He tells me all the time, "look what you did, you are amazing. You delivered this precious gift and you did it the way we wanted. Thank you." I love how much he loves me and I feel so blessed to have him as my eternal companion and sharing my journey:)

I could look at his little face FOREVER!!! Anderson and I spent many hours (mostly in the middle of the night) Staring at eachother. I loved our early morning (before Daddy woke up) cuddling sessions. I probably slept a total of 6 hours in 60 hours. I was on a "Mommy High" and just couldn't sleep. I just couldn't believe that this creature came out of me and that we were now in charge of him and that He Was Ours! I was loving every minute of it!
He was a little Jaundice so we let him lay in the sun for a couple of hours a day.
My Sister-in-Law Mari came to the Hospital and took Pictures of him and us...I love these pictures and am so grateful for her photography skills to capture these "Hospital Moments" THANK YOU MARI!!!
Before we knew it, it was time to go home. We got him dressed for the first time and after a re-assuring kiss from daddy, we were on our way!
When we got him home, we introduced him to Tader and Cedric...they were VERY CURIOUS and took turns smelling him and looking at him. They were so good and their first encounter was very positive:)
When we got him home, we introduced him to Tader and Cedric...they were VERY CURIOUS and took turns smelling him and looking at him. They were so good and their first encounter was very positive:)
Everyone was so excited to get their hands on our little bundle of joy.
Paige, that post made me cry! It is amazing what our emotions can take in a time a like this. Four kids later, I still marvel at how "we" created such an amazing creation. There is nothing sweeter than seeing our big strong husbands fall in love with such tiny little thing. I have pics of Nick with each of the kids right after birth and I still melt over him ten years later. I am so grateful for his priesthood and that Patrick is such a great daddy. Awesome blog, awesome pictures and what a great family!!! Love ya
So sorry to hear that he had to have his stomach pumped! And sorry to hear that he dislocated and fractured your tailbone when he was coming out! You had a rough little start there!
That's interesting in the post below this one how you say that you left the umbilical cord left on him for about 2 hours. That's interesting. I'm sure it's a good thing to do.
Thanks for all of the pictures and the stories! I love reading true stories!
Many happy days and years with Anderson!
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